1. How can I shop for Jaggery in Sri Sri tattva?
To shop for Jaggery in Sri Sri Tattva, Visit our website at www.srisritattva.com. Choose your desired product upon entering the website and clicking on 'Add Cart.' Enter the required details, and voila! Your order will be delivered right to your doorstep!.
2. What are some of the advantages of buying Jaggery from Sri Sri Tattva?
A few advantages of buying Jaggery from Sri Sri Tattva are.
• No Chemicals Used
• No Preservatives Used
• Packed In A Safe And Hygienic Facility
• A Perfect Substitute For Sugar
• Helps Tackling Various Ailments With Its Natural Goodness &
• Convenient Doorstep Delivery!
3.What are some recipes I can try with Sri Sri Tattva Jaggery?
A few recipes you can try with Sri Sri Tattva Jaggery are
• Holige/ Puran Poli
• Coffee
• Gajar Halwa
• Gond Ladoo
• Cookies
• Gur Ki Roti & More!
4. How is the quality of Sri Sri Tattva Jaggery ensured?
Sri Sri Tattva employs the most rigorous monitoring practices to ensure that all our products, like Jaggery and many more, uphold high-quality standards. Our processing and packaging facilities adhere to rigorous hygiene practices to give you the best products! .
5. Is Jaggery healthier than Regular Jaggery?
Jaggery contains more nutrients than jaggery, as jaggery does not use chemicals or preservatives. This ensures that jaggery is healthier than regular jaggery! .
6. What are the benefits of jaggery?
jaggery offers nutritional benefits like being a good source of iron and magnesium, supporting digestion, and acting as a detoxifier. Plus, it has the added environmental benefits of farming.
7. Does jaggery have any side effects?
When consumed in moderation, it typically has no or minimal side effects, making it a safe addition to most diets. However, excessive consumption can lead to weight gain due to its high caloric content. Those with diabetes should monitor their blood sugar levels, as jaggery can increase blood sugar. Therefore, moderation is key to enjoying its benefits without the negative impact of excessive calorie intake.
8. What are the health benefits of jaggery?
jaggery acts as a detoxifying agent, provides energy, and enhances skin health due to its antioxidant properties. Jaggery is known to stimulate digestive enzyme activity, which helps improve digestion. It helps to increase intestinal strength due to its high magnesium content, which can help alleviate digestive issues such as indigestion, constipation, or ulcers.
9. How can I use jaggery in my cooking?
jaggery can replace refined sugar in any recipe. It's great in teas, coffees, desserts, and even savory dishes that require a touch of sweetness. Replace white sugar with jaggery in recipes for cakes, cookies, and puddings to achieve a deeper flavor profile.
10. Is jaggery better than honey?
Jaggery has more nutrients due to its iron and mineral content, while honey is lower in calories and has antibacterial properties. The choice depends on dietary needs and personal taste preferences. Both have their own benefits. You can also try our honey, which is equally beneficial and healthy for your body.
For more detailed information, you can visit the Sri Sri Tattva website